Author Archives: Natalie

Treating Shingles

Unfortunately there is no cure for shingles, although there are many treatments which have help relieve some of the symptoms. Often the symptoms of shingles are relatively mild but it is always advisable to seek medical advice the instant you recognise the symptoms as early treatment can prevent complications. A bout of shingles will generally last between two to four weeks and is first detected by a tingling sensation in the affected area. Pain is then experienced followed by a rash appearing about two to three days […]

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Holistic Approach to Treating Shingles

Many traditional medicines used to treat shingles do not actually help and if anything are known to even prolong the condition of the virus. The holistic approach to treating shingles actually takes into account it derives from the herpes virus. With this in mind, shingles can therefore be treated with the same natural approach as any other form of the herpes virus. Studies have shown that the herpes virus can only thrive in a body that has a weak immune system or a person’s arginine to lysine […]

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Home Remedies for Shingles

Shingles is commonly seen in elderly people, but on occasion it is detected among young people too. It comes from the same virus varicella-zoster, which gave us chicken-pox. If proper care is not taken you may loose your eyesight or even suffer from facial paralysis. Shingles are also known as herpes zoster which spreads through your skin in the form of a rash or blister similar to chicken-pox. It is associated with grueling pain, itchiness, burning sensation and sometimes even numbness. Before the rash appears you develop […]

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How to Cure Shingles in 3 Days Or Less

If you’re currently suffering from Shingles, I’m sure you are extremely eager know how to cure Shingles as fast as possible. If you read below, you will find out many easy steps you can take immediately to cure Shingles in less than 3 days. First, understand that Shingles is a virus. It’s known as the herpes zoster virus. Shingles is the re-emergence of the dormant Chicken Pox virus that you most likely suffered from as a child. It usually appears due to a weakened immune system, which […]

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Tai Chi Rejuvenates Immunity In Older Adults Against Shingles

According to researches, Tai Chi, a Chinese exercise that uses both mind and body, can aid in preventing the shingles virus by increasing the body’s immunity against the VZV or varicella-zoster virus. Aside from preventing it, Tai Chi can also boost the body’s response to the vaccine for old adults. VZV is the virus that is responsible for diseases like shingles and chickenpox. Understanding Shingles Shingles is a kind of viral infection that causes debilitating rashes that are quite painful. It appears as blisters that can be […]

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Fast Cure for Shingles

I get asked all the time, “Is there a cure for Shingles?” The answer is yes AND no. No, there isn’t a magical pill instant-fix “cure for Shingles” that will relieve all of your symptoms right this second. YES, there are specific things that you can do RIGHT NOW that will immediately get rid of any itchiness and pain, speed up the healing of the blisters, and eliminate any symptoms much faster than anyone could imagine. No, it doesn’t have to take weeks or even months to […]

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Do You Know Someone Suffering From PHN

Most of us are familiar with Shingles, the painful and intense illness people sometimes call “the adult version of Chicken Pox.” What is lesser known is that of the 800,000 Americans who develop Shingles this year, 20% will go on to experience Post Herpetic Neuralgia or PHN. PHN is often a long-term illness that can cause extreme pain and sensitivity for years. One patient’s skin was so sensitive that he couldn’t button his shirt, ride in a car, or even sleep normally (he slept sitting up for […]

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What Is Chicken Pox

This is a question that many parents need to know the answer of. What is chicken pox? It is something that is life threatening to your child? How do you know what to do when you think your child may have chicken pox? The questions can be numerous because all good parents want to protect their children from harm. Chicken pox is a common, but very contagious disease. Usually this disease effects children, but adult cases do happen and are then known as shingles. So, what is […]

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Effective Treatments for Shingles

Shingles, also referred to as herpes zoster is in fact caused by the same virus that breads chicken pox and can spread to anyone who has not had the chicken pox virus. Unlike chicken pox shingles can cause pain and the rash can be a little more aggressive. There are several effective treatments used to treat shingles and the Zostavax vaccine is now available for those over the age of sixty and can help reduce both the outbreak of shingles and also how bad it develops once […]

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Top 3 Shingles Natural Remedies

If you’re looking for Shingles Natural Remedies, you’ve come to the right place. Shingles isn’t a fun virus to get. It starts as Chicken Pox, which people most commonly experienced as a child, but adults can get it too. At a later stage in life, the virus can re-emerge itself as a painful rash called Shingles. It is extremely important to begin treating your condition as soon as possible with the best Shingles Natural Remedies. I believe in a natural approach to cure Shingles, as taking drugs […]

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